Monday, September 20, 2010

English class 9/17/10 Invisible Man and "The Knife" descriptive language

On Friday in class we started by discussing descriptive language and how it can be used to give more complete details about what is happening in the writing. The list of examples of descriptive writing techniques is as follows:

  • Verb choice is unique (buttering)
  • Personification
  • Unique modifiers (adj./adv.)
  • Figurative Language
    • Simile/metaphor
    • Oxymoron
    • Symbol
  • Personification
  • Allusion=indirect reference to a famous story/image
  • Concrete specific detail

Mr. Neal also mentioned that descriptive writing is like pepper, it is good but only in the right amount too little and you don't notice it or too much and it's all you can notice.
And the next scribe will be...


  1. The pepper analogy was really good. Also I like how you listed the list of the things we talked about and reviewed in class.

  2. really good job, i think that under the writing techniques you should write examples of them just to remind us and yourself how to use them, because i know they won't be on the board forever and its very helpful to have them here!

  3. I greatly appreciate you posting the writing techniques! I probably would not have remembered to put them in my notes otherwise.
