Friday, September 3, 2010

Mejia and I

Mejia is the one that views the issues of social justice, but I truly love it. Mejia sits there and listens to others’ opinions on the issues, while I create a world of ideas that only I am able to understand about it. She cruises through the topic, not paying attention to the true issues revolving her world. Instead, I am constantly aware of these issues and avoid having it close to me. I know that Mejia spends most of her time focusing on new activities while I dedicate my time to my one passion, social justice. It seems to me that Mejia and I are completely two different people, but in reality we share some of the same passions with different interests. We dedicate ourselves to helping others becoming aware of the social issues in the world, but Mejia seems careless while I would love convincing others to share the same input.

I admire Mejia for her collaboration and effort to make a difference, but I would never want to be like her. Mejia talks all about herself demonstrating no affection for others. On the other hand, I can’t imagine a day of my life without thinking about others first. By helping others understand the concepts of gender and social class, Mejia feels as if she’s contribuiting to these issues. I think it’s more than just contribuiting. Social justice for me is being able to share one another’s experiences and finding yourself and having that passion towards it. For Mejia, it feels like it is a way of doing community service but with a stronger bit of appreciation. For me, being a Social Action Leader is not only helping my community and the world, but it is helping myself to view others’ perspectives.
Although Mejia and I are completely different in many ways, we have the same exact qualities and ambitions. I live through what is portrayed through Mejia’s life, but in reality she lives through my life as well. She is not the Mejia she is without having me by her side. Her life is a clear demonstration of what is perceived by her peers, but in my life, no one can criticize me. I may be most of the time undecided, but Mejia always has a decision made about her life especially if it has to deal with social issues. I do not know if we could ever be separated or if someone can tell which one is which.


  1. I liked how you could feel the passion for helping others that you had in the story.

  2. I liked how the story is a similarity and difference type of writing.

  3. i liked how you put your emotions into the piece. great job!

  4. I love how the you contrast the two sides of you.

  5. It was great! I like how you compare the similarities and differences between Mejia and I.

  6. Your ability to create tension through contradiction is beautiful. Here is an example.

    I admire Mejia for her collaboration and effort to make a difference, but I would never want to be like her. Mejia talks all about herself demonstrating no affection for others. On the other hand, I can’t imagine a day of my life without thinking about others first.

    Beautiful piece, Ivana.

  7. I love the last line; it really ties everything together. This piece could be professional; it had almost the same flow as Borges & I, which was great! Awesome job.

  8. I really liked the relationship you potrayed between your two selves, especially in these lines; " I live through what is portrayed through Mejia’s life, but in reality she lives through my life as well. She is not the Mejia she is without having me by her side."

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. I really like how your passion shows through in this. it shows you really like to help people.

  11. This is great. Like Mr.Lippmann said your contradiction details are amazing here! I really love this piece Ivanna and I really feel like with this narrative you truly have showed us the comparison between the two people,Mejia and you.
