Friday, September 3, 2010

Carp and I

I am fortunate enough to say that I have 21 best friends that live all across the country. From Chicago to Paris, Carp enjoys visiting them whenever possible. For her, taking the train from one city to the next is always a thrill. It is always so great to catch up, and of course, talk about camp. Laughing is a popular activity that happens during the visit. By the time Carp descends back to Boston, her abs hurt so bad from laughing that it feels as if she has been training for a body building competition.

All 21 of us look forward to leaving the various suburbs and cities where we live, and head for paradise, Camp Pinecliffe. The shimmering Crystal Lake makes Carp feel at peace; I know that I am where I belong. As the sun sets and the stars shine upon us, we head up to the campfire circle. Carp looks above, and finds the brightest star of all: the Pinecliffe Star. Camp songs are sung and speeches are made by the directors. Once the campfire comes to an end, my best friends and I return to our cabin. It is time to sleep; taps blows as I close my eyes.


  1. This was my favorite line, "her abs hurt so bad from laughing that it feels as if she has been training for a body building competition." Very Nice.

  2. "I am fortunate enough to say that I have 21 best friends that live all across the country." - tough having long distance friendships.

  3. Melissa--I love humor in any kind of writing because laughter is a wonderful expression of the spirit. So, in this moment, I laughed. Excellent work.

    By the time Carp descends back to Boston, her abs hurt so bad from laughing that it feels as if she has been training for a body building competition.

  4. I love the line "Laughing is a popular activity that happens during the visit." I like the use of it as an activity.

  5. "By the time Carp descends back to Boston, her abs hurt so bad from laughing that it feels as if she has been training for a body building competition."
    I really like this line because it's a funny metaphor! :)

  6. "Carp descends back to Boston, her abs hurt so bad from laughing that it feels as if she has been training for a body building competition." I liked this line because this feeling is one that almost everyone can relate to. It really shows the reader how happy it made you to visit friends.

  7. I like the line "her abs hurt so bad from laughing that it feels as if she has been training for a body building competition." It's something I've never seen or thought about putting in writing and it describes it well.

  8. "The shimmering Crystal Lake makes Carp feel at peace; I know that I am where I belong."

    I believe this is an interesting sentence because she knows she belongs in the shimmering Crystal Lake. The sentence is well put together.

  9. i really enjoyed the first line, "I am fortunate enough to say that I have 21 best friends that live all across the country" great hook, set the tone and drew me in.

  10. This line is really great; "By the time Carp descends back to Boston, her abs hurt so bad from laughing that it feels as if she has been training for a body building competition" because "descends" is such a unique and descriptive verb it makes the sentence pop more, also there is a lot of humor in the comparison of body building and laughing :P

  11. "Laughing is a popular pastime" I like this line because I agree and its put nicely.
