Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The Grass is Green

You are my lover because you gave me the feeling usually absent from my life, of control. You blindly accepted what the task I'd given you and asked few questions. You've done what I could not have done alone and therefore you are my lover. In agreeing to do this one small thing you've become the best friend I never had, the childhood pet that's always by my side no matter what and most importantly my lover.


  1. I really like how you talk a lot about the friendship between you and your lover. How they are your lover not because you state it but because they were will to be. I also like how you don't state what your lover is until the very end we build the bond before being introduced which is fairly powerful.

  2. I like the idea of how our protagonist is giving control to her life. The paragraph blends smoothly from top to bottom and comes to a really good ending.
