Thursday, September 16, 2010

Shooting an Elephant and Invisible Man Prologue

In class we discussed Shooting an Elephant and the prologue of Invisible Man. We talked about the transformative moment, themes, and whether George Orwell was trying to be implicit or explicit. On p. 515   there is a transformative moment when he realizes he is going to shoot the elephant when he wasn't going to be before, he is forcing himself to do it. "And it was at this moment, as I stood there with a rifle in my hands, that I first grasped the hollowness, the futility of the white man’s in the East.” (515) He knew he couldn't let the elephant kill him so he felt his only alternative was to kill the elephant. Then on p. 517 there is a transformative moment in tone and mood when he starts to regret is decision.

WOW Moment of class--Jake Carroll, 10:29am 9/15/10--When discussing the theme of "Shooting an Elephant":
When you oppress others you are oppressing yourself.

Then we talked about the prologue of Invisible Man. The symbol of invisible in the text is about race, class and society. Groups of people aren’t recognized because they do not have the ability and they have no voice. We also talked about the persona of the invisible man and how crazy he is. He lives in the ground and puts lights all over the ceiling and ground. But he does not think he is crazy and has an altered perspective.



  1. I really appreciate your inclusion of me in this scribe post! I feel empowered and like I am worth something in this world when you mention me. You did an IMPECCABLE job noting the main points, and I truly appreciate your efforts. You are a beautiful person for doing such a nice job. Thanks.

  2. Sarah Jane,
    This was really interesting to read because your style of writing is great. I like how you incorporated all those big vocabulary words and still made sense. Thanks for being part of this note taking system.
    A friend,
    Asa Welch

  3. Sarah,
    I love how you put the wow moment in the class so that we could all notice it and realize the power of the words. Good job!.

  4. Sarah Jane, you are a fantastic writer and thinker, as shown in the post. Keep up the good work, and you will someday be famous like Thomas Edison or Eddie Van Halen. Of course, you couldn't have written this well if I hadn't been with you in the cafeteria this morning, but I think that with enough work and perseverance, you will one day be known as Sarah Jane the Great.
    By the way, I totally agree with the stuff about crazy people. Living in the ground is not a normal way to live.
