Friday, September 3, 2010

King and I

King and I

I love reading, reading helps me think, it helps me find what I am looking for. When I read, I get a sense of self that I can’t find anywhere else. Is it Tim though who finds anything, he finds when I fail! Without reading, I would be lost in a sea of confusion. 1984 is a gateway, with it I help to discover what I need to know and I learn more about myself and the world around me. When I immerse myself in its pages, I find the structure I am looking for. 1984 helps me find a sense of society and light in my life. When I read, the pages blur until all that happens is an inflow of data, thousands of thoughts rushing in and out of a net of thought and intellectual curiosity. Am I intellectual at all? Or is it Tim?

What drives the flow? Do I drive it, or is it the comprehension that I face with each line, or is it the definition of the words? The definition makes thing into a defined orderly construct, but is looking at it in an orderly fashion the answer. Or is it the lack of a definite, should I ignore what fear and thought mean and focus instead upon what the lack of definition tells me. The lines within the lines read a whole new context of thought. Tim and I think differently.

Am I one really the one reading at all? Because I hate reading


  1. " Without reading, I would be lost in a sea of confusion." I like the phrase sea of confusion it really show the struggle between king and i.

  2. I get a sense of self that I cant find anywhere else.

    really showing the connection and how much reading truly means to you

  3. "Am I intellectual at all? Or is it Tim?"

    the question of whether it is you who are the one thinking or the mind inside is an interesting question i brought this line away with me. is it possible you are nothing but a body or are you the one thinking?

    totally chill writing.

  4. "I love reading....because I hate reading." I like the juxtaposition of these two lines because it shows that the conflict is not only between you and Tim but also between you and yourself. Do you love reading or hate it, or is it something in between?

  5. "Without reading, I would be lost in a sea of confusion". What a great metaphor.

  6. Am I one really the one reading at all? Because I hate reading

    Funny way to end the passage. It sort of leaves us unsure of what to take out of this. It's cool how you changed everything with the last four words.

  7. "Do I drive it, or is it the comprehension that I face with each line, or is it the definition of the words?"

    I really like this questioning moment. Its almost as if it is the peak of the piece. The point of the most doubt but the most answers.

  8. Tim--This is all about the unsaid,

    The lines within the lines read a whole new context of thought...

    and that is why the written word here is so fascinating. You challenge the reader to think about the blank space, the un-said, the under-said. It's philosophical, your piece, in nature and illustrates your command of the language. Well done.

  9. "1984 is a gateway, with it I help to discover what I need to know and I learn more about myself and the world around me. When I immerse myself in its pages, I find the structure I am looking for."

    I like what reading (1984) gives to you-- a sense of promise and the feeling of having structure. The way you expressed that was beautiful and I can relate to wanting that sense of security.

  10. Am I intellectual at all? Or is it Tim?

    I like how reading is intellectual and you Tim doesn't see that yet.

  11. "1984 is a gateway, with it I help to discover what I need to know and I learn more about myself and the world around me."

    The quote about is just one example of the fantastic use of metaphors in this piece. Also, I hope what you have written really is as heartfelt as it sounds.

  12. "King and I" is honestly a great title, just putting that out there first.
    Secondly, I was confused with your piece. Do you like Tim or is he just hiding the real you? Is "Tim" the factual, "know-it-all" guy while You're just trying to find some deeper understanding of it all? "Down-To-Earth" Tim vs. "Close-Your-Eyes-And-Jump" Tim?
    It's a lovely poem-esque piece and its very contradicting in itself.
