Friday, September 17, 2010

English class 9/17/10 Invisible Man and "knife" descriptive language

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Today in class we discussed the first chapter of Invisible Man and "The Knife". In Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison, Jordan and Asa said society caused his behavior, because in this period of time whites have a higher status than blacks. He is ashamed of his grandparents being slaves and feels guilty.

Mr. Neal's wall of English terms:
Verb Choice is unique (buttering)
Personification: when something that is not animate is given human characteristics
Unique modifiers (adj./adv.)
Figurative language - simile/metaphor
- oxymoron
- symbol
- Personification

Allusion = Indirect reference to a famous story/image
Concrete (specific details)

Class discussion
Contains descriptive language about limbs and different body parts being knifed apart.
Blood chases the knife (personification)
Concrete evidence is seen in the beginning of the story on pg. 40

Invisible Man
Symbol: American flag tattoo on girl who looks like kewpie doll represents the corruption of the American Dream

The next scribe post is from David not kobe Jacquet


  1. Karan,
    very well done. In my expert opinion, "The Knife" was probably the most metal story I've ever read in my entire life. It reminds me of "Angel of Death" by the 80s thrash metal band Slayer. With lyrics like "pumped with fluid inside your brain/ pressure in your skull begins pushing through your eyes/ burning flesh drips away/ how long can you last in the frozen water burial," it was a very good connection for me.

  2. I like how well you organized the post and how it all meshed in with each other and a mumbo-jumbo of ideas strewn together. I also liked how you put the symbol of the stripper at the endo of the post to give us "food for thought."

  3. Well organized and spaced out post! Maybe go into a teeny little bit more detail about these chapters. Other than that, I got a good grasp on what went on in class.
