Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The Grass Is Green

Your are my lover because, even though I may not know I feel like you and I have a bond that cannot be described through words. I may not know your story but I know how the second act should be written. You are my lover because the pain you may endure no will never be equal to the pain you may cause me if you left. Your are my lover because even though I maybe under the spell of another you give me the power to expel the walls that hold me away from you. You are my lover because even if you walked away right now I would still feel loved because I was able to see it in your eyes.

1 comment:

  1. What a romantic. You clearly have a way with words. I feel very touched, and even though I pity the narrator in this book, after this I wish I was him. You clearly "saw" him.
