Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Two Invisible Man Themes

Ani Keshishian
1) Invisibility is an obvious major theme in the book because the protagonist discusses his experiences that all end up leading to his realization and life as an invisible man. The book starts off with his experience and life when he is aware that he is invisible. The story constantly leads back to how his transformation to becoming invisible and is what the book is all about.

2) Betrayal is a key theme in the book because on the protagonist’s grandfather’s deathbed, the grandfather makes a speech to his son discussing how he had betrayed his race by obeying the white people and being submissive. The protagonist is constantly betraying his race because he wants to be white in a sense especially when he is at the church and Barbee is making his moving speech and while everyone is moved, he wants to get as far away from the black people, his people, as much as possible and be more like the white people. He is constantly betraying his race by obeying the white people and not wanting to be with his people, but rather with the white people.

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