Friday, September 3, 2010

Logan and I

Sitting together, Logan puts my mind on walls, canvas, and paper. Though I try to resist, to break free and form my own piece, it is my burden to draw his art, my minds creation. It is a constant battle between impossible structures I form and then destroy, by the hands of Logan. Out of my reach yet I draw them neverless, the pen is shared between us. Logan and I fight for each stroke creating lines that blend between myself. I have won yet Logan hasn't lost as my ideas are his work and his work becomes my ideas. In turn it is I who begin to question who really forms the art. Is it Logan or me?
Staring at this blank paper our eyes bore down upon the same spot. I, composing a symphony of color, sound, and character. The images I stow deep within myself are deftly stolen by Logan. Arising from slumber I find my treasures delved upon the sheet. Drawn by my hands, Logans hands, our hands. I find solitude only at night while he sleeps. I stroll the mazes of my mind putting forth art untainted by humans. In my time of sanity appearance of my foe unleashes hounds bent on his destruction. Forming art that so fearsome he awakes in panic. It is then my time is over, I am once again in a duel with Logan. With myself.

Without a ying we are two yangs. The same force cycling around itself. himself and myself.


  1. "I find solitude only at night while he sleeps. I stroll the mazes of my mind putting forth art untainted by humans."

    I didn't realize you craved a moment in a world untainted by human ideas and emotions. I really enjoyed this piece!

  2. Ben--This moment,

    Though I try to resist, to break free and form my own piece, it is my burden to draw his art, my minds creation. It is a constant battle between impossible structures I form and then destroy, by the hands of Logan....

    speaks to the violent element in this poem. I don't usually equate art with violence, creation with violence, but you do it gracefully, poetically, in this piece. Wonderful

  3. "Drawn by my hands, Logans hands, our hands." I like how this shows how this shows that you are the same person with conflicting ideas

  4. "Out of my reach yet i draw them neverless, the pen is shared between us."
    I liked this line cause of it use of imagery and I felt it really showed the struggle between ben and logan.

  5. Although this happens several times in your poem, I will pick one: "Drawn by my hands, Logans hands, our hands". I really like the way you interconnect the two separate yet same people into just one writer, yet two writers.

  6. "In turn it is I who begin to question who really forms the art. Is it Logan or me?"

    I like this because it shows that Logan and I are really one person more than any other line. I think it's very cool how he was questioning who was responsible for the art.

  7. I really liked the line "I stroll the mazes of my mind, putting forth art untainted by humans." I like how it brings up the concept of something so natural and sincere that humans cannot understand or perceive it.

  8. Also, your writing style reminds me of Jaamil Kosoko's.

  9. "Though I try to resist, to break free and form my own piece, it is my burden to draw his art, my minds creation."

    This was interesting to me because of the clear distinction between “his art” and his own art. Almost as if its so passionate that no matter what he can’t resist his own doing even if he tires. The second half of this excerpt is very capturing and gives insight to a lot.

  10. "Logan and I fight for each stroke creating lines that blend between myself"
    This quote really stood out to me it I like the way you made it sound like a fight for who is drawing. I also makes it sound very artistic.

  11. It is a great concept to say that your mind creates the pieces of art, but it is limited by the body who makes it.

  12. I really like the abstract language it makes me really think about the mind and how enigmatic it and how strange personality truly is

  13. Ben- I LOVE HOW YOU MADE IT SLIGHTLY CONFUSING FOR YOURSELF AT THE END, by saying "is it Logan or Me?", it confused me too and I am not sure if you meant to do that, but it made reading it a little more fun. Wonderful job.
