Friday, September 3, 2010

McClure and I

The beaver country day school basketball team and I were at the school Bancroft. It was crucial must win game on a Saturday away. I missed the bus that day and had to come up with a bad excuse why i missed the bus, even though I just over slept. My mom had to drive me all the way to Bancroft because I did not have a ride. When I arrived the coach was disappointed and did not start for the 1st time that season but I did not let it discourage me. I came off the bench firing. I shot 5-6 from the three point line and only missed one shot the entire game. I had 21 points which was the second most amount of points I scored that season. We won the game due to the 43 points Rene Castro and I combined for and eventually won our division.

There was tension in the air at the Beaver Country Day School vs Bancroft game. Both teams were fighting to be the number 1 spot in the E.I.L. conference in boys basketball. The game was close and the leads were changing every minute. The small forward for beaver country day school, Matt McClure, had a hot hand that game. Him and there best player Rene Castro had most of there points. They had McClure and Castro tightly covered and gave them no space to even breathe. McClure took limited shots but still every time he had the rare opportunity to brake free, he nailed shot after shot. They eventually won the game and helped them win the league.


  1. You ARE Michael Jordan McClure. Well done.

  2. I liked how you switched the tension up from I to McClure.


  4. i liked it.. i liked the details of tension that you gave, especially in the 2nd story.

  5. Great piece! It really demonstrates the difference between what others see you as Mcclure and what you think about basketball.

  6. Overall it was very descriptive and you were able to show the reader what it was like to be there in the moment that this happened in.

  7. I really liked he voice on the second story. It was very descriptive, almost like a commentator.

  8. you could really imagine the scene in your head

  9. I thought it was interesting how it almost seemed like McClure are the same person when you are playing basketball. It really shows how you feel about the game.
